Conversations with Pirie: 30 Stories of People Who Reinvented Themselves
Former TV host and now life empowerment coach Pirie Jones Grossman interviewed 30 people whose inspirational stories of reinvention reveal struggle, strength, survival, and success. In Conversations with Pirie, each author's story uncovers their why and how of reinvention while illustrating their journey straddled by personal and professional challenges.
How To Create Your Next
Age is no longer seen as a burden – but as an asset.
Women have the experience and hard-won wisdom and are no longer willing to consider themselves too old to dream.
When we approach 50, or specific timelines in our lives, such as a divorce, a career change or becoming an empty-nester, how we are seen in the world and how we see ourselves changes.
Some call it a midlife crisis, but is that true? A crisis?
I like to call it a reinvention.
Learn the 5 activator steps for reinvention in my workbook.